Air Ventilation and Filtration Solutions
Air Filtration and cooling plays a vital role in the performance of any machine and energy conservation. Contaminated air, moisture and dust are vital issues, causing reductions in performance of every machine; for instance in Diesel and Gas Engines; the contaminated air not only reduces the efficiency of the engines but increases the fuel consumption; resulting in a heavy financial burden. In order to resolve all the above issues pertained to air ventilation and filtration system; MS offers products and services ensuring that we MS meets the goals to be achieved for the project on hand.
MS’ experienced team is one of the leading industrial problems solutions provider, manufacturer and supplier of fabrication, erection, repair, and maintenance work.
Products offered are
- Air Supply Fans – Heavy Duty (Axial);
- Air Filters – Washable with G3 Media
- Air Louvers;
- High Temperature HEPA Filters for Pharma Industries
- Bag Filters, 55%, 65%, 85% & 95% Efficiency
- Air Ducting GI 2/24
- Air Volume Control Diffuser
- Air Volume Control (Damper)
- Air Exhaust Fans – Heavy Duty (Bladdery)